1. What services can we get at Bintang Antik Sejahtera?

You can get all forms of marble, andesite, granite, onix and other natural stone services from our services, be it walls, floors, crafts, souvenirs, tombstones, and other forms according to your needs.

2. What services can we get at Bintang Antik Sejahtera?

You can get all forms of marble, andesite, granite, onix and other natural stone services from our services, be it walls, floors, crafts, souvenirs, tombstones, and other forms according to your needs.

3. Can we come to the location directly

We really invite you to come directly to our location, it is an honor if you and your family can directly visit our place of business, we will provide the best service and welcome for all our partners.

4. Can we order with our own designs?

We can provide services with the design that you bring to us. As far as our experience in the marble business, almost 80 percent of our products are in the form of custom design products.

5. Are there items that are ready stock?

Of course a lot of our items are ready stock, there are hundreds of standard crafts, statues, souvenirs, tombs, gravestones and gravestones and many others. You can choose and immediately take home the items you want.

6. How Long If We Bring Our Own Design Order?

Of course, according to the volume of goods and the amount, if it's normal and not very big, we usually finish it in a maximum of 2 weeks. For large quantities, we will try to complete it within 2 months of the project order, which we mutually agreed upon.

7. Can you make a custom design statue?

Especially for custom design statues, we ask for a long time, at least within one month, even though the volume of the statue you ordered is small. We don't dare to make sure that our artists' work is on time, because they are truly specialists and experts in each form, not just as long as they can sculpt statues.

8. Is there a sample design from Bintang Antik Sejahtera

If there was a similar order before, of course we will provide an example beforehand, but if there has not been a similar order before, please just download it from the Internet and we will discuss your order.

9. How to calculate the price of our order statue?

For artistic objects whose value is subjective, we will calculate it together with the sculptors and also the finishing experts, for orders of a technical nature, we will calculate it using the general volume formula multiplied by the price.

What things can we provide as examples, but it's best for your examples to just come to our place. If you ask for it to be sent, of course we can send a sample of the product for free, but we still charge the shipping fee for you.

10. For what floor can you leave town?

We also provide Polishing installation services for floor products, so of course working on a package with goods from us is the best choice. Usually if the polishing service is installed from the outside it will certainly have an unhealthy impact on the installation process, that's from our experience.

11. Can a Site Survey be carried out to review before work?

We will provide location survey services to you, as well as advice for the good exterior and interior design of your home. We will be very happy if we discuss this matter together with the architecture of the house you are building.

12. Why Does This Service Have Many Active Numbers?

We provide many Customer Service Options, because one order form usually requires an explanation of the old Knowledge product, so we invite you to contact this Customer service, until your detailed product is fully explained.

13. Do we have to contact everyone to ask about a product?

We suggest that you just contact one of our customer service, but if you need a complaint or have a problem with your order, please contact the Complaint and Complaint Number which is at the bottom of this website.

14. How can we make sure the service with this number is safe?

The question that often arises, how to recognize that this service is safe and is part of the Bintang Antik Sejahtera Service, is that by identifying your transaction, you must confirm it to our corporate account, namely in the name of Imam Machfudin. Apart from that, we Disclaimer everything.